'Yes, I am!' - TO BE in the present

Do you remember 'to be' questions we practised last time? If you're still not sure how to make them, click here. This time we're going to answer those questions. This type of questions are called yes/no questions.

Polish: Pamietasz pytania z czasownikiem 'być'? Jeśli nadal nie jesteś pewien/pewna jak je utworzyć, kliknij w różowy link powyżej. Dzisiaj bedziemy udzielać krótkich odpowiedzi na wcześniej zadane pytania.

yes/no questions

Is she from Paris?
Yes, she is.

wh-questions questions

Where is she from? 
She's from France.

Yes/no questions are questions for which we answer YES or NO. When we want to be more polite or more formal than usual it's good to use short answers instead of a single word ('yes', 'no' or 'yeah') only. 

Pytania yes/no to takie, na które odpowiadamy 'tak' lub'nie'. Jeśli chcesz byc bardziej uprzejmy lub formalny niz zazwyczaj, używaj poniższych krótkich odpowiedzi (short answers) zamiast tylko 'yes'.'no' albo bardzo popularnego w potocznym angielskim 'yeah'.

short answers

Am I late?
Yes, you are or   No, you aren't.
Are you a teacher?
Yes, I am or    No, I'm not.
Is Annie from Iceland?
Yes, she is.  or  No, she isn't.
Is Martin 36 years old?
Yes, he is.  or   No, he isn't.
Is it a nice view?
Yes, it is.  or   No, it isn't.
Is this book yours?
Yes, it is.  or   No, it isn't.

Are Karen and I neighbours?
Yes, you are or   No, you aren't.

Are you and your mate from UK?
Yes, we are.  or  No we aren't.

Are your children good at maths?
Yes, they are.   or   No they aren't.


- Is Helena a fashion designer?
- No, she isn't. She's a photographer.

- Are Tom and Kelly married?
- No, they aren't. They're engaged.

- Are the Beatles famous?
- Yes, they are.

- Is Woody Allen handsome?
- No, he isn't. But he's a very good actor.

For exercises click SHORT ANSWERS

Aby przejść do ćwiczen, kliknij w powyższy link.

And remember: practice makes perfect ;)

Good luck!


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