'Where do you work?' - Present Simple

From the previous post you learnt how to make yes/no questions in Present Simple tense. If you missed that post or need recapping you may find it here > click

This time we're making wh-questions in the same tense. We build them in a very similar way. The most important difference is that at the beginning of each question we have to put a question word.

Z poprzedniego posta dowiedziałeś/aś sie jak tworzyć pytania typu yes/no w czasie Present Simple. Jeśli przegapiłeś/aś ten post lub potrzebujesz malej powtórki, kliknij w różowy link powyżej. Tym razem tworzymy zdania szczegółowe tzw. wh-questions w tym samym czasie. Budujemy je w podobny sposób, z taką różnicą, że na początku pytania stawiamy pytajnik:

Wh - questions begin with question words such as:

The difference between yes/no and 


Study the following examples:

Do you usually have meat for dinner?

   Yes, I do.


What do you usually have for dinner?

Meat and veggies.

Do they often listen to rock music?
No, they don't.

What kind of music do they listen to?


Do you often go to the gym?   

Yes, we do.


 How often do you go the gym?

Twice a week.

 Do Sue and Hannah live in Luton?  
No, they don't.


Where do Sue and Hannah live?

In London.

Do you watch crime series on TV?
Yes, we do.

 What (programmes/serials) do you 

usually watch on TV?

Crime series.

Does Meg work in school?

Yes, she does.


Where does Meg work?

In school.

Does your boyfriend do any sports?

Yes, he does.


What sports does your boyfriend do?

He plays rugby and football.

To practice wh-questions in Present Simple click here > EXERCICES

To practice the use of Present Simple tense do the TEST .

Good luck!
Cheerio :)


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