Two similar idioms & Polish equivalents

It's a very short post about two common English idioms which seem to be quite similar, I mean their meaning is similar and they may confuse us. Let's look at them and study the examples:


Get your act together
stop being disorganized and improve your work
stop behaving in a nasty way and improve your behaviour 

Ogarnij się!/Weź się w garść 

Look what you've done! She's crying now... Get your act together or you'll end up like your brother.

If you want to achieve your goals you need to get your act together and think about your priorities.


Pull yourself together
calm down, self-control your emotions

Weź się w garść/Pozbieraj się do kupy (w znaczeniu: uspokój emocje)

I know that you failed but now it's time to pull yourself together and try one more time. Don't give up!


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